Are your buyers needs being met?
Are your salespeople engaging buyers before “pitching’ a solution? Are they asking enough questions before recommending?
Are your salespeople engaging buyers before “pitching’ a solution? Are they asking enough questions before recommending?
Selling and Dating, It’s Not That Different Selling and Dating aren’t that different. Selling through communication is key. What does that mean? well, let me ask you this. What would you say to a friend who said he met a great girl and after 2 dates he was going to ask her to marry him.
How often as a sales director, do you get that dreaded feeling from your reps as well as yourself about the weekly sales meeting? Does it go longer then it should? Did you really feel like you got something accomplished or did you just go through the motions? Why is that feeling so common? Here’s
Top Hiring Benchmarks A mid-size advertising and marketing firm were looking to expand. It truly needed an account executive to go out and call on organizations in the area to try to develop business for the firm. Denise was in charge of interviewing for the new account executive. true hiring benchmarks are often misunderstood. What
Sales Funnel The sales funnel has become very interesting because it is very loosely defined. I have clients that tell me that have “about 20 people in their funnel” which to them means they have tried to reach them. I have others that put someone in their funnel when they have spoken to them once
Being a leader is different than most of us think it is. Most leaders are actually managers in disguise. Sarah was excited to be promoted to sales director. After all she has been in sales for almost 8 years and has always been at the top of the leader board. She knows she will really
Being a leader is different from what most of us think it is. Most leaders are actually managers in disguise. Sarah was excited to be promoted to sales director. After all, she has been in sales for almost eight years and has always been at the top of the leader board. She knows she will
Your Best Salesperson is NOT Your Best Sales Manager! The most common question I think I get hands down is “Greta, where do I find a good sales manager?” or “Who on our team do you think would be a good manager?” Best Sales Manager? – Don’t Promote From Within Most of the time, CEOs
Are your employees a true fit? DISC introWatch this video on YouTube Are your employees a true fit? The following information is from the site. DiSC® is an acronym that stands for the four main behavioral styles outlined in the DiSC model of personalities. The lower-case i in DiSC identifies it as part of the