Hiring Tools
Hiring tools are used to help give you an objective view before you hire from your ‘gut’ which is often a mistake to trust that alone.
Click below the video for more information.
The Corporate Sales Benchmark
The Corporate Benchmark is to determine what a true benchmark is for YOUR corporation. It is not about interviewing one salesperson and say let’s use him/her and a benchmark! NO! This needs to be objective and not just what we think.
The Sales Team Assessment
Do you feel like you have the right sales team now? Are they all making goal consistently? If not why is that? The Sales Team Assessment is a COMPLEMENTARY Assessment so you can see how your team is doing presently and what areas need improving. For more information and to take the Assessment:
Sales Talent Assessment
The Sales Talent Assessment addresses the sales supportive and non supportive beliefs that either hold a salesperson back or create a sales superstar.
Sales Leader Assessment
The importance of sales leadership is beyond our comprehension. Yes recruiting and hiring are imperative but without good leadership, you are wasting often potentially great sales superstars. Don’t hire or promote another sales leader without it!
Disc Personality Assessment
The DISC Personality Assessment identifies personality-bases performance risks and other factors of interpersonal behavior. These factors affect an individual’s leadership style and actions. If these behavior patterns are recognized, however, they can be compensated by development and coaching.
You have a sales organization, but you are frustrated because they are not brining enough new clients to the business. It’s not fair, and you haven’t figure out how to solve the problem. Partnerships are granted partly on an individual’s contribution to revenue, but that incentive does not seem to motivate everyone. What should you do?
We’ll help you understand which of your present sales associate are suitable for performing business development as well as those who should NOT. And we’ll explain why. Then we’ll recommend steps to help you improve the business development skills of those individuals who would benefit from training. And we’ll suggest how you can best utilize the others in your organization who aren’t well suited for developing business.