Yes, I am sure you have heard of SMART goals. It was brilliant at the time! It still is. But what does it really mean?
Goals need to have specifics attached to them. If there is no detail like a date of what exactly you are looking to achieve, and exactly what that means, its not specific. Example; “I want to lose 25 pounds, not I want to lose weight.”
Measurable goals means that you identify exactly what it is you will see, hear and feel when you reach your goal. It means to break the goal down into ‘bite-size elements that will be very clear to see when achieved. Example; “I will lose 3 pounds per week.” not, “I’m going to lose as much weight as I can”
You must be able achieve your goal and be within reach. Example; I will lose 3 pounds per week”, not, ” Im going to lose 50 pounds”. When this would actually put you into an unhealthy state.
This goals needs to be related to the situation. Example; “I will be mush more healthy and feel better with this weight loss”, not, “When I lose this weight I will then become a model”
The goal must have a time-frame to achieve the goal attached. Example; “And I will lose 3 pounds per week so 25 pounds will be achievable in 9 weeks from the start.” Not, “I will lose it as soon as I can”.