Top 10 Traits that Require Zero Talent
What are those top 10 traits that require zero talent? So many sales managers are looking for those special skills to hire in a salesperson. Those are special traits that we want. A successful salesperson has things like; drive, persistence, experience, contacts, etc. So what are the 10 traits that require zero talent and why
Top 10 Traits that Require Zero Talent
What are those top 10 traits that require zero talent? So many sales managers are looking for those special skills to hire in a salesperson. Those are special traits that we want. A successful salesperson has things like; drive, persistence, experience, contacts, etc. So what are the 10 traits that require zero talent and why
Brochures Don’t Sell, People Do
Brochures Don’t Sell, People Do THE SITUATION Bob was preparing for his first appointment with Mr. Winfred P. Smith , senior partner of the law firm Smith, Pennyworth, and Jones, one of the biggest, oldest and most prestigious firms in the state. Into the brightly polished briefcase went the oversized company four-color brochures – fourteen
The New Cold Call
The New Cold Call The New Cold Call These are a couple of ideas that will help you in cold calling to be
Your Brain and Selling
Your Brain and Selling What do your brain and selling have to do with each other? How about your PROSPECTS thoughts?? Think it doesn’t matter? What does your brain and selling have to do with each other? The more we look into sales success, we realize how the psychology is what really creates success, or
Top 5 Lunch Meeting Mistakes
Top 5 Lunch Meeting Mistakes Talking about business too soon. Listen, you’re there for a meeting. You’re at this restaurant to talk shop but you also need to show basic social graces. If you jump right in with the business talk the person you’re meeting with isn’t going to be
To Train or Not to Train
All training is not alike. To train or not to train is a common dilemma in corporations around the globe. How do you choose? What makes one better than another? That is up to you and your goals. Here are some important things to think about when considering training. Training your people keeps everyone on
What is REALLY in your Sales Funnel?
Sales Funnel The sales funnel has become very interesting because it is very loosely defined. I have clients that tell me that have “about 20 people in their funnel” which to them means they have tried to reach them. I have others that put someone in their funnel when they have spoken to them once