Are you hiring naked? Not sure what that means? We often hire from our gut, or from experience on a resume.
Find out why that is so wrong!! Stop hiring naked!
Download this white paper to help explain it
Why use a sales assessment?
The first step in understanding how to hire the person that best fits YOUR organization is based on criteria that matter to only you. The ability to create a base that each candidate is measured by is the first step in hiring properly.
The ability to hire that correct match for your organization is based on creating the Benchmark that best fits your sales organization then “match” that candidate with the criteria you have created. This can and should be done for different sales of positions.
Having a phone interview will give you a good feel for how they interact. The reason this is done only after the bench-matching is we often hear something we like and minimize the importance of the actual match to your organization.
Understanding their actual skills and more importantly their beliefs when it comes to selling is what the sales assessment addresses. Not only will this assessment give you information on how they sell but more importantly will they sell and what will hold them back. You will also be given a list of appropriate questions based on their results to ask if necessary to help make your decision.
The last interview of course is the in-person meeting. At this point you are looking for things like; eye-contact, physical stance and any other body-language that will help you make your final decision. It is also recommended to have a few people, at least 2, in the organization interview.
So Are You Hiring Naked?
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