The most important decision you can make for your organization is to hire right. If you are a football fan, think about the best coaches. They know the importance of recruiting. Review this Sales Hiring Report and learn that importance for yourself.
1) Benchmarking.
We often think of benchmarking as using the characteristics of one of your successful existing salespeople to emulate. Sounds good right? this is nearly impossible. Benchmarking comes from successful characteristics that had been studied over time. Not just your best guy!
2. BenchMatching.
The characteristics of a ‘successful’ salesperson are somewhat universal though it does have some very important differences that only your organization will need. Analyzing this information is powerful.
3. 5-Minute Phone Interview.
Whether your salespeople are outside representatives or not, everyone needs to use the phone. No matter what the resume says, if you do not hear strength, confidence, and comfort in the conversation, they will likely fail. There is a specific short conversation that needs to happen before you waste your time as well as your staff’s interviewing in person.
4. Sales Assessment.
Once all of the boxes are checked, as they say, there is a more in-depth understanding needed when it comes to the actual sales skills that make the difference between a good salesperson or a great one.
5. The In-Person Interview.
After all of the upfront work, this interview will be the final piece of the puzzle. We make very quick judgements in an in-person interview. We’re human, that’s why. There is nothing wrong with these, our prospects will too. This is why it is so important to have all of the ‘data’ beforehand.
This is one of the most important decisions you will make for your organization. Read this report thoroughly.