Do you REALLY know how to interview? Most leaders are never taught how to properly interview for salespeople so these are the biggest interview fails.
A Few Examples
How would you present prospects and customers describe you as their sales representative?
Describe a time in your company did not deliver on its product or service and how you responded?
Describe one or two of the most difficult challenges and/ or rejections you’ve faced in the past and how you responded?
How many rejections do you take in a typical week?
“But this is when we need someone. I’m confused”
Don’t be! It makes perfect sense. A salesperson is an asset, not a liability. Do you attain assets only when you lose them? If so, you will not be in business very long!
“I think I can get em for less”
Big Mistake! Great salespeople are money motivated. Yes, you can pay them a bit less in base salary but make it easy for them if they hit their goals you set they can kill it!