5 Sales Habits That Keep You Poor
1) Allowing “I’ll Think It Over” from your prospect.
Think it over is the number one problem for salespeople. Why? because it is easier to hear than a NO. It is important to create an atmosphere with your prospect that a NO is not only OK but a wanted conclusion as opposed to the grey area of I’ll think it over” which is easier but doesn’t bring you any closer to a true sale.
Not knowing keeps you poor.
2) Making too many bids and proposals without a true commitment.
Doing a bid or a proposal seems like a good idea, right? Well, only if you have a few qualifiers beforehand. Often salespeople feel good about putting out lots of proposals because the old way of thinking is, “get enough out there and some will close” What a waste of time…and often money as well.
What are the qualifiers? a) Understanding the REAL issue. We often think we know the issue but we have to get the prospect talking about it, even if we’re right about their true issues.Hearing it from them will deepen the bond and help you understand how to propose properly. b) Have some level of investment discussion before you do a proposal, thats right, before! c) Understand the TRUE buyers decision process, who is involved, what is involved and dates of decision.
Quantity alone keeps you poor.
3) Not asking enough questions and the right ones.
Asking questions is Sales 101 right? Well, it isn’t about just asking but asking the right questions and digging deeper when you hear a response. Salespeople are so anxious to ‘sell’ the product or service they forget the importance of understanding the TRUE whys of buying.
Assuming keeps you poor
4) Not having a true mix in prospecting
Prospecting means different things to different people. Some believe cold calling on the phone is what it takes, others believe networking is key, still others will send out letters and/or use social media to prospect.
Wrong? Right? It depends. The first key is whatever you do, do it consistently. So often clients tell me “I’m so busy right now I just don’t have time to prospect” that will catch up with you and bite you…additionally, there are several things that work with different clients and styles so it is important to be consistent but enjoy a mix of prospecting. Not comfortable with a particular type of prospecting? Get comfortable. The best lessons you will get is when you are uncomfortable.
Prospecting only one way will keep you poor.
5) Discounting your product or service
Discounting is a slippery slope. Sure its easier to sell when you discount your product or service but not only are you making less revenue, what is the message you are sending to the prospect? Money is subjective. Why do we pay more for some things and not others? Likely it is a belief that you are getting more value from the more expensive one. True, maybe but that is purely the belief of the prospect and your job is to understand what THEY deem as value, not what you think!
Discounting will keep you poor.